Claire’s next chapter

Hello friends and loved ones,

As you may know, in the past few years since high school graduation, I have spent much of my time living on Catalina Island, working at a restaurant, at a Christian camp, and as a concierge at a hotel. I have recently returned home in preparation for my next chapter, pursuing global Christian missionary training and service that I have been curious about for many years. 

After being exposed to church, the Bible, God, and Jesus since I can remember, it was at a Bible camp in Jr. High that faith became my own. I understood Christ’s sacrifice and surrendered myself and my sins to Him, letting go of my old self and becoming a new creation in Him. I know He will never leave me or forsake me despite the decisions I make or difficulties I face. I want to share that gift, that love, that hope, with anyone and everyone who hasn’t heard it, and anyone who needs a loving reminder that our Savior is better than anything this earth has to offer.  

For a long time, I have been drawn to the idea of foreign missions. It merges my interest in seeing other places and cultures, with the opportunity to share the Savior’s gift of love, hope, and freedom with others. In the past, I have had the joy of participating on teams with my church going on missions trips to Arizona and to Brazil. 

Through the years I have had several friends and acquaintances that have been involved with Youth With a Mission (YWAM), an international Christian mission organization founded in 1960.

Their mission aims “to see people grow in intimacy with God. They equip people to reach the lost, care for the poor and needy, and convey Jesus’ message to a world that needs to know Him.”

Several years ago, while watching the movie “Invictus” I was touched by the people, culture & history of South Africa. Since seeing that film, South Africa has been on my heart to learn more about & eventually go visit. As I started doing more digging into YWAM as a possibility for mission’s training and service, to my surprise, I discovered there was a YWAM base near Cape Town, South Africa. 

I applied to YWAM and was accepted to attend their Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Muizenberg, South Africa in January of 2024. The first 3 months will include lectures, small group discussion, worship and prayer, Bible study, and interactive processing and application. A different guest speaker will present material each week based on their life and ministry experience. Book reports and other assignments, journaling, community outreach, meal preparation and practical work are also a part of the weekly schedule.

Sometime during the first 3 months, I will find out my field or “outreach” assignment for the second 3 months. I have been told that they will guide me in understanding the values, strengths and needs of the nation where I will be serving. A primary focus of the outreach assignment is sharing my faith with those who don’t know Jesus. In addition, there will be opportunity to meet practical needs and partner with local believers. I am very interested in learning these topics which will equip me for my future. 

The cost of this 6-month training and outreach is $4,200, plus the cost of airfare. I wanted to make you aware of what I will be doing, and ask if you would consider partnering with me to make a financial contribution to this endeavor. 

While I am out of the country, I plan to provide periodic updates. If you would like to receive these updates, please “subscribe” on my newsletter tab on the donation page.

Thank you for being influential in my life and taking an interest in the next chapter. I would love to talk to you more and answer any questions. Please contact me at or text me on WhatsApp at  +1 (916) 346 - 2497.

I can’t wait to hear from you,

Claire Jones

  Link to YWAM Frequently Asked Questions